Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Movie Monday Half Past Autumn Part 3 and 4

1. One is successful when they are satisfied with themselves. When one has achieved a point at which he or she feels accomplished.
2. I have given up many personal things in life in order to be successful.
3. Gordon Parks became successful by taking risks in life. He left jobs many times, to get better jobs. But more importantly, he became successful by accomplishing what he loved. He was committed to social justice.
4. Genevieve Young's father was Kuang-son Young.
5. Parks was advanced $10,000 to write his book. His book was called The Learning Tree.
6. Elijah Muhammad offered Parks half a million dollars to do a story on the Nation of Islam.
7. Parks refused the money, because he thought that Muhammad was trying to influence him.
8. The Learning Tree film was historic because it was the first time an African American directed a Hollywood film.
9. Shaft was the first African American superhero.
10. His weapon was his camera. He used it to send a message to the world.
11. Genevieve Young felt that she and Parks were not spending enough time together.
12. Odyssey Is 12 Years a Slave told the same story as Parks' film.
13. Gordon Parks Jr. was Parks' eldest son. He died in a plane crash.
14. My favorite Gordon Parks photo is the one were the maid was folding a broom. I felt that it sent a powerful message.
15. I will remember that he was an iconic photographer who fought for a purpose. He fought for his passion, social justice.

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